Sale!Official class-approved ILCA rudder blade. New style with clear edge construction and racing finish.
Sale!The Black Diamond Full Carbon Tiller is the gold standard in carbon tillers. Stiff and lightweight with a titanium wear plate. Super low profile, durable and strong. Allows you to get the mainsheet and traveler tighter for more leech tension upwind in an ILCA. A good solid connection to the rudder ensures the best feel possible! Pair with our carbon/kevlar tiller extension for the best sailing performance.
Sale!ILCA carbonkevlar tiller extension – length 1250mm. This combination of carbon and kevlar materials makes the tiller extension lighter and stiffer while the kevlar layer prevents shock damage. Comes complete fitted with omniflex joint and hand stopper plug at the end.
Sale!Tiller retaining pin, keeps your tiller attached to the rudder head.
Sale!The ILCA daggerboard stopper is fitted into the head of the daggerboard and prevents it from slipping through the daggerboard case.